I waited all day for that phone call. Two oclock, three oclock, my anxiety levels increase. By 4 oclock I had decided that I would now have to wait till Monday – Another two days!
It had alll started the week before – Thursday 7th of February.
I was laying in bed reading when I felt that lump. Was it really a lump? Was I imagining things? I run my fingers over my breasts again – Right then left, and back again. Sweeping into the arm pit and back again…probing harder, right and back to the left – yes it is still there.
It seems awful big. How come I didnt notice it earlier? At last a big as a 20 cent piece. Thick and hard!
I awake early and hope that it was all a dream…but…it is still there!
I wait for the clock to tick over to 8.30am, so I can book a Doctor’s appointment. Thank goodness they let me in as an emergency at 10.30 am.
Fifteen minutes early and I banter with the ladies in the crisp new waiting room, waiting for my name to be called.
Doctor PJ does a breast examination – concentrating – his expression studious and level. ‘mmmmmmm’ he says as he manipulates each breast – ‘ Sit up and lift your arms – mmmmmm’ – Under the armpit ‘mmmmmmmmm.’
He orders an immediate ultrasound and needle aspiration to be done in his clinic.
I lay on the cold bed while the radiographer docter does the ultra sound. I can see clearly the dark shadow in my left breast. Dr PJ does the needle aspiration. It didnt hurt. I saw the yellow blood stain being smeared on to the glass slide.
Tests have to be sent off to Western Australia for diagnosis. I have to wait for a week.
‘I will call you next Friday with the results.’ Dr PJ reassures me.
Finally – the phone rings at 4.15 pm on Friday 15th February.
‘Toni this is PJ – I am sorry to have to tell you that the biospsy is suspcicious and I will now have to refer you to a Surgeon.’
This is a great way to get thing “off your chest”! Eternal love xxxx